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The most complete guide to Southern Nevada's mining history.

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After this events location was changed about three times, we finally selected Devil Peak and Little Devil Peak for our destination.  Originally, this event was supposed to visit a total of six mines, but as the confirmed numbers grew,  we dropped it down to three which turned out to be just right for this groups pace. 

 We are usually very good about pre-running events and repairing trails when needed.  Routes are carefully researched to accommodate most high clearance stock vehicles.   This route and destination was finalized about a month before the event and in that month,  we returned for trail repairs four separate days.  Just when we were confident in the route,  the area rained for three days straight.  The trails were completely changed and some trails were more wash than trail.    Still, the weather the day of the event could not have been better. 

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January 21, 2017.  Devil Peak.
Goodsprings, Nevada
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