The most complete guide to Southern Nevada's mining history.
October 11, 2015
Ivanpah, California
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Thanks to all who joined us for yet another successful field trip. This trip was through the Mojave Preserves southern Ivanpah Mining District. All mines have been made "safe" and the entire trip was above ground.
Because the whole point of these trips is to socialize with some great people, the pictures mostly concentrate on those interactions and not the mines. We usually try to limit the size of the picture galleries, but Sonya took over 500 pictures and there were too many great pictures, so instead of limiting the gallery size, I just divided and added more galleries.
The tour began at the unnamed cemetery with graves dating as far back as the late 1800's and as recent as the mid-1990's. The first mine along the tour was the Riley Mine. Formerly: Standard Mine, Blue Grass, Mine, and Excelsior Copper Mine. The actual mine has been capped and fenced, but the tailings are full of interesting mineral pieces of varying quality. Because this area is part of a preserve, mineral collecting would be illegal, so you should consider all pieces you find for identification purposes only.
A short distance from Riley Mine is the Standard No.1 Mine and Camp (Begins on row 6 of the gallery). We first visited this site in 2010 and try to return annually. It was aged and animals have made themselves at home, but the workshop was still complete with hand tools and supplies. Each year we return, more and more pieces have disappeared. There isn't a single tool left, but at least the structures are mostly still standing.
The aluminum trailer has been misidentified as an AirStream on a few other sites, but is actually a Spartanette Trailer and very likely a Model 24 from the late 1940's to early 1950's. Although not as collectible as the similar AirStream trailers, a well-restored Spartanette trailer is valued from $10,000 to $20,000.
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