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October 11, 2015

Ivanpah, California. 

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Rows 1-6 in the gallery are of the New Era Mine and Camp.  Seeing the size and effort put into the camp, we expected much more depth to the mine.  We located a few smaller occurences in the nearby hills, but the largest of the mines had  little depth, but very few features.  This was primarily a gold mine.  There are some thick quartz veins in and around the mine, which is probably what the miners were following. Judging from the lack of depth, this mine likely was not very productive. 

The final two rows begin the images of the Geer Mine Camp.  Any mining at this location was light and surface.  There is a Geer Mine about a mile west of the camp that was mining Dolomite and Magnesite.  Neither of which hold much value historically or today.

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