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November 13, 2016
Veterans Day Weekend Cookout
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Thanks to everyone for attending our very first group cookout. This is something we've wanted to do for years, but never got around to it. This event may come as a surprise to some of you since it wasn't announced like previous events. This was an invitation only event.
Invitations did not mean that we preferred the company of some over others. Sending invitations was merely an attempt to better manage the numbers and food supplies. We wouldn't have been able to account for everyone with an open invitation. Here's how the invitation selection process worked. If you attended a VegasUnderworld event within the last 8 months and I had your contact information, you received an invitation. There wasn't a committee or discussion to decide who received an invitation. We needed a cutoff date and, to be fair, stuck to it without exceptions. It really was that simple and impersonal.
We started to visit the area a few weeks in advance to stack a few rocks for those with long wheel base vehicles, but found there was just too much to repair and only worked on the worst of the trail. As it turned out, the trail was mostly bad from all directions. Although it did add to the level of difficulty, it probably helped to keep strangers from wandering in.
Just before 10AM, everyone else started to arrive. Big thank you to Sonya for running up and down the hills to capture everyone's arrival and for documenting the day. Candid pictures always seem to capture this group best. Thanks to everyone for your food contributions and generosity. Special thanks to Joe for bringing the tables and other supplies. They really did make the day much easier.
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